
Department of Removable Prosthodontics 鶴見大学 歯学部有床義歯補綴学講座

大久保 力廣contact us

氏 名 大久保 力廣(おおくぼ ちかひろ)
診療科目 補綴科,口腔顎顔面インプラント科
学 歴 鶴見大学歯学部卒業(1986年)
職 歴 1990年 鶴見大学歯学部歯科補綴学第一講座 助手
2005年 鶴見大学歯学部歯科補綴学第一講座 講師
2009年 鶴見大学歯学部歯科補綴学第一講座 教授
2011年 鶴見大学歯学部歯科有床義歯補綴学講座 教授 (講座名変更)
2016年 鶴見大学歯学部附属病院 病院長
2018年 鶴見大学歯学部長
研修履歴 1996年 Visiting Scientist, Baylor College of Dentistry
1997年 Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Dentistry
2004年 Visiting Scientist, University of Uruguay
所属学会 日本補綴歯科学会専門医・指導医
日本接着歯科学会 認定医
日本磁気歯科学会 理事長 認定医
業 績 1. Ohkubo C, Abe M, Miyata T, Obana J. Comparative strengths of metal framework structures for removable partial dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1998;78: 302-308.
2. Ohkubo C, Hosoi T. Effect of weight change of mandibular complete dentures on chewing andstability: A pilot study. J Prosthet Dent 1999;82:636-642.
3. Ohkubo C, Watanabe I, Hosoi T, Okabe T. Shearbond strengths of polymethyl methacrylate to cast titanium and cobalt-chromium frameworks using five metal primers. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83: 50-57.
4. Ohkubo C, Watanabe I, Ford JP, Nakajima H, HosoiT, Okabe T. The machinability of cast titanium and Ti-6Al-4V. Biomaterials 2000;21: 421-428
5. Ohkubo C, Hanatani S, Hosoi T, Mizuno Y. Neutral zone approach for denture fabrication for a partial glossectomypatient: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2000;84:390-393.
6. Ohkubo C, Kurtz KS, Suzuki Y, Hanatani S, Abe M, Hosoi T. Comaparative study of maxillary complete dentures constructed of metal base and metal structure framework. J Oral Rehabil 2001;28: 149-156.
7. Ohkubo C, Kurtz KS, Hosoi T. Joint strengths of metal framework structures for removable partial dentures. Prosthodont Res Pract 2002;1: 50-58.
8. Ohkubo C, Shimura I, Aoki T, Hanatani S, Hosoi T,Okabe T. In vitro wear assessment of titanium alloy teeth.J Prosthodont 2002;11: 263-269.
9. Ohkubo C, Shimura I, Aoki T, Hanatani S, Hosoi T, Hattori M. Oda , Y. Okabe.Wear resistance of experimental Ti-Cu alloys. Biomaterials 2003;24: 3377-3381.
10. Ohkubo C, Watanabe I, Tanaka Y, Hosoi T, Maeda Y,Kurtz KS.Application of cast iron-platinum keeper to acollapsible denture for a patient with constricted oral opening: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90: 6-9.
11. Ohkubo C, Kurtz KS, Ohkubo C, Hosoi T.A sectional stock tray system for making impressions. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:201-204.
12. Ohkubo C, Kurihara D, Suzuki Y, Hosoi T, KurtzKS. Bending strengths of metal framework structures for implant-stabilized overdentures. Prosthodont Res Pract 2003;2: 27-34.
13. Ohkubo C, Kamada N, Kurihara D, Hosoi T, Ohkubo C, Kurtz KS. Impression accuracy of sectional stock tray system. Prosthodont ResPract 2004;3: 78-83.
14. Ohkubo C, Kono H, Tanaka Y, Watanabe I. Shear bond strength of resin composite tomagnetic Fe-Pt alloy. J Prosthet Dent 2005;93: 478-482.
15. Ohkubo C, Sato J, Hosoi T, Suzuki Y, Sagae T, Kobayashi M. O-ring attachments fortransitional implant-retained overdentures. J Prosthet Dent 2004;91: 195-197.
16. Ohkubo C, Takeuchi S, Sato Y, Shimura I, Aoki T, Tanaka Y, Watanabe I, Hosoi T. WearResistance of Magnetic Fe-Pt Alloy Teeth,Prosthodont Res Pract 2005;4:42-47.
17. Ohkubo C, Hosoi T, Ford JP, Watanabe I. Effect of surface reaction layer on grindability of cast titanium alloys. Dent Mater 2006;22:268-74.
18. Ohkubo C, Kobayashi M, Suzuki Y, Sato J, Hosoi T, KS Kurtz. Evaluation of Transitional Implant (TI) Stabilized Overdentures: A case series report, J Oral Rehabil 2006;33:416-422.
19. Ohkubo C, Kurihara D, Shimpo H, Suzuki Y, Kokubo Y,Hosoi T. Effect of implant support on distal extension removable partial dentures: Invitro assessment, J Oral Rehabil 2007;34:52-56.
20. Ohkubo C, Kobayashi M, Suzuki Y, Hosoi T. Effect of implant support on distal extension removable partial dentures: In vivo assessment. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implant 2008;23:1095-1101.
21. Ohkubo C, Hanatani . S, Hosoi T.Present status of titanium removable dentuers -a review of the literature. J Oral Rehabil 2008;35; 706-714.
22. Ohkubo C, Kobayashi M, OkamotoN, Hosoi T, Kurtz KS, Murata T. Implant overdenture using Konus telescope onone-piece implant: A case report. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2009;17:188-91.
23. Ohkubo C, Baek KW. Does the presence of antagonist remaining teeth affect implant overdenture success? A systematic review. J Oral Rehabil 2010;37:306-12.
24. Ohkubo C, Kamada N, Osada H, Shimpo H, Kurihara D, Kokubo Y, Kikuchi T. Development of angled magnetic attachment for implant overdentures. J Jps Soc OralImplant 2010;23: 42-47.
25. Ohkubo C, Morokuma M, Yoneyama Y, Matsuda R, Lee JS. Interactions between occlusion and human brain function activities. J Oral Rehabil. 2013 Feb;40(2):119-29.
26. Ohkubo C, Shimizu S, Murata T, Miyama, Y, Kurtz KS. Development of a lingual rest seat using adhesive composite resin after removable partial denture delivery. Eur J Prosthodont 2016;4:22-4.
27. Ohkubo C, Park EJ, Kim TH, Kurtz KS. Digital Relief of the Mental Foramen for a CAD/CAM-Fabricated Mandibular. J Prosthodont 2017;27: 189-192.
28. Ohkubo C, Sato Y, Nishiyama Y, Suzuki.Titanium removable denture based on a one-metal rehabilitation concept. Dent Mater J. 2017 ;36:517-523.
29. Ohkubo C, Shimpo H, Tokue A, Park EJ, Kim TH,Complete denture fabrication using piezography and CAD-CAM: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2018;119: 334-338.
30. Ohkubo C, Sato Y, Nishiyama Y, Suzuki.Titanium removable denture based on a one-metal rehabilitation concept. Dent Mater J. 2017 ;36:517-523.
ひとこと 講座ではたくさんのベテラン医局員とエネルギー溢れる若手医局員,大学院生に支えられ,楽しい毎日を過ごしています.大学院卒業後から鶴見に移り住み,完全な鶴見人になっていますが,東京からも横浜からもアクセスが良い上に閑静で,この街を実はとても気に入っています.

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